Trading S&P emini – Bad to worse – Back to the simulator

Evening everyone.. today I was at a training course and they finished early which meant I was able to dash back home and got a few extra hours in trading.

The trades are made were not bad, at one stage I was 9 prices up after two trades.

 However, perhaps it was to do with trading psychology or just unlucky but my next two trades were breached by 1 price when the reverse and hit the limit I had targetted.

The last trade was breached by two prices before it reversed and hit my limit order.

 It is extremely frustrating when this happens…. 3 nears misses in a row which meant that I would have been in positive territory (+20 prices) to negative territory (-20 prices)

Well, it gets worse, my trading tutor has put me back on simulator. This is obviously very disappointing for me after working so hard to get here in the first place. Perhaps getting back on the simulator will allow me to evaluate and rethink.. a chance to regroup.

He said that we’ll watch my trading for the next couple of days and see how I get on. If ok, then perhaps they’ll put me back on the live account on Friday. There’ll be no trading from Friday onwards until the New Year but it’ll be a good feeling to know that I’m on a live account and not the simulator.

Anyway, I have posted the chart here but I’ve not put on my entries.. sorry, just didn’t feel up to it today!


 Actually, here’s a screenshot of the trades that I pulled off so those interested:


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Category: Emini futures, Make Me Some Money Ideas, money, Trading