Archive for the Gambling Category

How much tax is paid on casino winnings?

Casinos are a great place to go in order to enjoy yourself, whether you are a casino games novice or a seasoned veteran there will always be something to enjoy. For people on their first trip to a casino it can sometimes be a little overwhelming how much there really is to do, as there are bars and restaurants as well as other attractions to see and do. Having been to a casino some people then understand how exciting a life being a professional gambler would be, winning vast sums of money in Jac

March 11, 2013 No Comments Full Story

UBS Trader Kweku Adoboli lost over £100k on Spreadbetting

UBS Trader Kweku Adoboli lost over £100k on Spreadbetting

A few months ago we heard about the 32 year old rogue trader, Kweku Adoboli who lost over £1.4 billion of his employers money trading the markets. The trial has just recently got underway in the UK and more details of his finances have come into the public domain. So, not only did he lose the vast amount of money trading the bank's money, he also lost a fair bit on his personal accounts, spreadbetting the markets. He had an account with the spreadbet broker Igindex and lost £123,000 wit

September 17, 2012 No Comments Full Story

The Future of Spreadbetting

The Future of Spreadbetting

Spreadbetting has been in the UK for over 10 years now. In a nutshell, it is tax-free financial trading, in other words you do not have to pay any tax on your profits. Gambling as a whole in the UK is tax free... this means that spreadbetting is classified the same as the casino. There is also a fine line in trading whether it's gambling or not. I think for the majority of people it could be classified as gambling as they don't actually have a plan and don't really know what they are doing. T

March 25, 2012 1 Comment Full Story

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