Archive for December 10th, 2007

10th December – First day trading live – S&P emini – what a disaster!

10th December - First day trading live - S&P emini - what a disaster!

Well, I had my chat with  my trading mentor earlier today and I am set up to trade live. We spoke about positioning and trading 1 contract. The maximum loss each day is $200 which amounts to 20 prices or so. Anyway, initially I felt a little nervous, this was real money on the line and I take a 50% cut in any of the profits. I got to make this work and there is the expectation now that I've graduated and trading real company money. My first trade was a standard one on the break of a pr

December 10, 2007 2 Comments Full Story

S&P emini update – Going live and trading psychology

Hi all, For those who have followed my blog and read my Emini trades, you would have read that a few months back, I had joined a trading academy. Now, you have to pay a fee to join the trading academy.. it is a way I guess to filter those people who are serious or not, the trading academy don't want to invest their time and effort into people who are not in it for the long haul. If you make it at the end of the training, then the company will back you with company funds. The way you mak

December 10, 2007 2 Comments Full Story